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Articles > Solutions: > Seeing Clearly

Seeing Clearly

“.... One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.”1

When my son was in second grade, his teacher called me one day saying, “I don’t think your son can see the board in class”. He had never complained about his sight because he had become accustomed to seeing a blurry world. Nevertheless, I made an appointment with the eye doctor. As soon as he had his new glasses on his face he said in amazement, “Wow, mom, everything is so clear!” However, over the next ten years, he wore his glasses inconsistently. During an appointment in his last year of high school, the Doctor commented that he was surprised that my son could even walk straight; his eyesight had deteriorated considerably. He now had to wear his glasses constantly to correct his vision. Now in college, he decided to try contact lenses for social purposes. It took him a bit to become accustomed to the foreign lens in his eyes, but once he did he said that, without the obstruction of the frames on his face, he could see everything so much clearer! For those who can relate, isn’t it amazing how, with the help of some lenses, the world can go from being a fuzzy mess to being clear, crisp, and vivid? However, they can’t just be any lenses; they have to be the right lenses. I, too, wear glasses, but can’t see a thing through the lenses that help my son see so clearly!
The Christian life is much the same, those that haven’t received Jesus, walk around blind to the truth, hope, peace, and joy of the Lord. They live in a foggy, fuzzy mess trying other ways to be happy and “see” clearly and they become accustomed to the blurriness, without knowing any better. But for those who have found Jesus have found a clear, crisp life with new, restored vision. In Mark 8:25, “Jesus laid his hands on his eyes again; and he opened his eyes, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly.” Jesus has the power to heal our blindness and open our eyes to our true identity in Him; removing any obstruction so that we can see through the haze of cultural lies, distorted truths, and the sinful strongholds this world can have over us. When we see ourselves through Jesus’ lenses, we are transformed by the renewing of our mind (Rom. 12:2), and not only that, but we will be able to lead those whose eyes are still darkened into the clarity of Jesus’ vivid light!
Suggested Prayer: Father God, thank you for removing the scales from my eyes and allowing me to see you clearly. I pray that all the impurities and smudges that might keep me from seeing your will for my life be wiped away by your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

John 9:25b (ESV).

Today’s Encounter was written by: Veronica B.

All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.