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Articles > Christmas: > The Reason for the Season

The Reason for the Season

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.”1

A recent poll revealed that almost half of all Americans surveyed choose Christmas as their favorite Holiday. The wintery season, with or without snow, has come to hold a beloved place in the hearts of most people around the nation. For many, the cold (or cooler) weather, accompanied with the white and colored lights that decorate neighborhoods, causes a nostalgic feeling that brings memories of warmth and joy. Families look forward to the time-honored traditions of trimming the tree, wrapping special gifts and baking sweet treats. Christmas carols play over the speakers in the grocery store and in our car, putting us in a Christmas mode.

Although many of our beloved traditions came to America only a couple of centuries ago, other countries have celebrated Christmas in a similar manner for a lot longer. And of course, the history of Christmas dates back to that quiet night in a worn stable, 2000 years ago, when our Savior came to this world to bring us hope and salvation.

Even in a world where many still reject Jesus as Savior, the word “Christmas” brings honor to the one whose name is uttered. It is hard to say, “Merry Christmas” to someone without saying “Christ”. It's hard to sing “Silent Night” without giving reference to the events of that ‘Holy Night’. And the star (or Angel) atop the tree still announces the birth of Christ so long ago. So, you see, the reason for this beloved season and all the joy it brings is none other than our Lord Jesus Christ!

This Season, as you go about in the ‘Hustle and bustle’ of the Holiday, let's make sure our focus stays on the real reason for the celebration, giving honor to the birthday Joy-giver. Let the words “Merry CHRISTmas” ring true to all those you wish it to!

Suggested Prayer:

Dear Lord, as we head into this very busy Holiday season, help me to keep focus on the fact that this most popular celebration was made to bring glory to you. Help me make you the priority – the Reason for the Season! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  1. Luke 2:11.


All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.