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Articles > Christmas: > The Heart of Giving

The Heart of Giving

So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.1


For the last few years at Christmastime, our family has done a gift exchange between the children. All of the cousins draw names and make wish lists, then they excitedly begin shopping for that special gift or gifts that they hope will please their giftee. Most of the time, it’s the parents who pay for the shopping spree or maybe make up the difference. One year, particularly, stands out in my mind. As the cousins opened their treasures, one of the children, who had given only one single gift, proudly announced: “I saved my money and paid for it myself!” The joy in that child’s giving was blessed by God in such a way that even the receiver of the gift was blessed by their single gift!


When the widow in Mark chapter 12 put in the offering plate her only two coins some scoffed. In comparison to what the rich were giving, her gift seemed meaningless. But Jesus, who had been looking on, had seen both the abundant and the meager gifts going into the basket and noticed something very important: the widow gave all that she had, and she gave it whole-heartedly! The Lord blessed her giving for He was blessed by her joy and humility.


We’ve been taught in Scripture that “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35) and it’s a wonderful lesson to pass on and instill in our children. These last few years our children have had more fun preparing the gift they will give than wondering over the gift they will receive. It has truly been a blessing for me to watch as they ponder “I wonder if they will like this?” or “Which might they like more?”


Whether we know it or not, others are watching the way we give; God is watching — not what we give, but rather, the way we give. Do you look for ways to please others with your giving? Maybe it’s time we start practicing—- After all, it is the season of giving!


Suggested Prayer: Dear Lord, please give me a heart like yours, the heart of a Giver. There are so many ways to proclaim your name and one of them is through giving. Make my heart merciful and kind, to be able to bless others with the same love you have for them. Allow me to make giving my priority this season. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


1.    2 Corinthians 9:7 (NKJV).



Today’s Encounter was written by: Veronica B.

All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.