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Articles > Christmas: > Confidence in uncertainty

Confidence in uncertainty

"When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife."1


That space of silence in Scripture waiting for the fulfillment of promises is fertile ground for some of life's most important questions. We can barely go a week without questioning, "I wonder if..." "Do you think that...?" There are questions that are trivial. After the failure in the Garden of Eden, we might ask: Was Eve allergic to fruits? Did Jonah like to eat fish? It's a fact, we always have a lot of questions.


Perhaps nothing raises more questions than the birth of Jesus. How far did the magi travel? Were the shepherds escorted by the angels to the stable? And what about Joseph? After reading today's passage, there are many questions that may arise.


What went through Joseph's mind when he learned that Mary was pregnant? The time between his consideration of divorcing Mary and the arrival of Jesus must have seemed like an eternity to him. This was not what Joseph had planned. His son, and the Savior of the world, born in a stable? Surrounded by sheep and cattle?


We've all been in Joseph's shoes at some point, caught between what God told us in the past, what we see in the present, and what will happen in the future.


Each of us knows what it's like to look for answers. It may not be a stable, but in the emergency room, when an accident occurs, in a failed relationship, or in the absence of a loved one. We've all questioned God's purpose in what we see going on, and we've asked God, where are you?


No matter what doubts and questions you ask yourself, just do what Joseph did: be obedient. Joseph didn't understand everything, but he did as the angel told him. He listened to Mary's explanation and obeyed when God spoke to him.


Don't let your confusion interrupt your obedience. You don't have to know the way, you simply have to know the One who shows you the way. Since Joseph chose to obey, God used him to be part of humanity's greatest moment, and God wants to use you as well.


Remember that God is with you, but keep in mind that there are some questions that will not be answered. It is in times of difficulty that we often wonder if God is with us and if he is really in control. We may start to ask… Is God with me? Does God see me? God knows? Does God care?


God's answer through Jesus, born in a stable and vulnerable, is a resounding YES!


Suggested Prayer: Dear Jesus, I am so thankful that your presence is with me, and that your power is made perfect in my weakness. It is my desire to be obedient like Joseph, and to be faithful even when I don't fully understand your ways. I pray in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.


1.    Matthew 1:24 (NVI).


Today's Encounter was written by: Rosina N.

All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.