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Love For A Lifetime: For Better or Worse

When you make a vow to God, don’t delay fulfilling it, because he does not delight in fools. Fulfill what you vow.1


In May 1995, he was thrown from a horse during an equestrian competition and at the age of 42, his life suddenly hung in the balance. Christopher had landed on top of his head, breaking his neck between the C1 and C2 vertebrae. It was the worst immobilizing spine injury possible. He couldn’t even breathe on his own.


After five days of unconsciousness, Christopher Reeve awakened in the ICU. He was told by doctors that he had sustained a paralyzing injury. When the horrible realization was fully absorbed, he wanted to die and save everyone a lot of trouble. During his time in hospital, Reeve was “unable to avoid thinking the darkest thoughts” with hallucinations clouding his mental state, unable to move any part of his body below the neck.


His wife, Dana, came into the room and stood beside Christopher’s bed. They made eye contact and Christopher mouthed his first lucid words to her: “Maybe we should let me go.” Dana cried and said, “I am only going to say this once: I will support whatever you want to do, because this is your life, and your decision. But I want you to know that I’ll be with you for the long haul, no matter what.”


Then she added the words that saved his life: “You’re still you. And I love you.”

Reeve later said that if she had looked away or paused or hesitated even slightly, or if he had felt there was a sense of her just being noble, or fulfilling some obligation to him, he didn’t know if he could have pulled through. But her love made him ‘stronger than Superman’, and for the next 9 years, their relationship became even stronger, even pouring over into his children as his priorities turned.


Our relationships will encounter joy and trials alike. By trusting in the Lord in both times we can turn our eyes away from “me” and on to “others”. God honors the decisions made as a couple; when we keep the promises we make before the Lord, He will bless us. He will delight in blessing us because we have honored Him by honoring each other. Our wedding vows are the greatest promise we can make to another person and following through with those beautiful words glorifies the Creator of that blessed union. For better or worse…for a lifetime.


Suggested Prayer: Dear Lord, let my speech honor you at all times. Let the promises I make before you be a commitment of love unto you. Teach me to keep my promises as you have always kept yours. In Jesus’ name, Amen.



1. Ecclesiastes 5:4 (CSB).


Today’s Encounter was written by: Veronica B.

All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.