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Love For A Lifetime: Marriage Blessings

 “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.”1


Have you ever thought about the purpose of your marriage? Several Christian couples were asked this question and although their answers varied, the number one response seemed to be: “to have and raise a family.” What happens when the children have grown and you and your spouse are alone again? What is your purpose then? A better question should be, “What is God’s purpose for your marriage?” After all, He designed marriage, so He must have a purpose for it! Today’s verse(s) gives us the answer: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” God intended for two to become one, a sacred unity; this was and is His purpose! Children are the fruit of that union; a part of the blessings that can fill our home.


Too many times, two people come together in marriage with expectations: “What’s in it for me?” “How are they going to make me happy?” Instead of asking “What can I bring to this marriage?”. Marriages are frequently approached with a get instead of give mindset that quickly becomes an “issue of incompatibility” that, unfortunately, ends marriages before they even get started. Christian couples, who claim to love God, are forgetting to make Him the center of the marriage. A truly loving partner who surrenders their will to God has the desire to serve their partner and in turn builds their marriage on a selfless, God-centered foundation. When we learn to give in our marriage we find the real blessing.


I once heard a wife say, “I can’t respect my husband if he doesn’t show me he loves me”, which to her meant that he would come home from work and give her a break from raising their son all day. She wanted him to realize that she was tired from chasing their toddler around and to be understanding that laundry was not done and dinner was not made. She had a get mindset that, for the last 6 years, has not allowed her to see any real blessing come from their marriage.


When we learn God’s purpose, our marriage has meaning beyond ourselves, especially when times are tough and we don’t feel like being together. God wants married partners to realize their fullest potential, greatest fulfillment, and grandest joy through unity and oneness in marriage.2 This is the model of love for a lifetime.


Suggested Prayer: Dear Lord, I want my marriage to be a model of your workmanship. Give me a servant’s heart in my marriage. I know that a successful marriage begins with a selfless attitude. Teach me to love my spouse as you love them. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


1. Ephesians 5:31, Genesis 2:24 (ESV).

2. Excerpt taken in part from “Famous Lovers in the Bible” by Doug and BJ Jensen 2004.



Today’s Encounter was written by: Veronica B.

All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.