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Articles > Easter: > Journey to the Garden

Journey to the Garden

"Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.”1

Yesterday, in a conversation, I was invited to an Easter Sunday service. “Easter is almost a month away!” I thought. But for those in ministry, Easter is looming. Preparations for the annual celebration of the resurrection of our Lord have begun, and rightly so! This is the ultimate cause for celebration and all over the world Christians will lift their hands in praise on that Glorious Day! Many have been in observance of this season for a few weeks with the commencement of Lent, the time in which believers solemnly take on an awareness of the events that led up to the cross. Many indulge in a more active prayer time, while others might sacrifice a small luxury. Some change their diet and others begin a journey — a journey to set apart some time to allow your imagination to be captivated by Jesus' life and suffering and step into the mind of Christ. What was He feeling during this time as His death approached? Let this season give you the freedom to immerse yourself into the Scripture and become aware of the Story it tells.
You don’t have to take more than a couple steps into a supermarket or department store to become aware of the season we’re in. As you pass the pastel colors, you become enveloped in a sort of garden of bunnies and chicks and synthetic grass that pales in comparison to the actual Garden where Jesus spent time in prayer. Fully aware that His suffering would increase and His death was near, our Lord prayed in urgent and overwhelming tones, “...Abba Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me….”! (Mark 14:36) Over the next few weeks, allow yourself time in your garden of sorts to spend time with God. Allow yourself to feel the emotions or pain that you’ve buried or hidden for so long; become aware of them and then ask God to touch and heal your heart. Become aware that Jesus is close to you. Ask Him for the courage to embrace this journey through the garden. All things are possible for Him!
Suggested Prayer: God, I ask for a deep awareness of Your love for me and Your work in me. Be close to me during this season and allow me to feel your presence so that I might understand the anguish you felt as you allowed your Son to die for the sins of this world. Thank you for your ultimate sacrifice! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

1. Matthew 26:36.



Today’s Encounter was written by: Veronica B.

All articles on this website are written by
Richard (Dick) Innes unless otherwise stated.