Balanced Living
Jesus Christ gave us many examples for healthy living. For one thing, he lived a balanced life and developed intellectually, physically, spiritually and emotionally. An excellent model to follow.

Click on the Printer Friendly link at the top right and print this page and then on the "Balanced Living" wheel score yourself (with ten being the highest level of achievement), then shade in from the center out. This will show how balanced your life is ... or how much out of balance it is.
With a different color or pattern shade in where you would like to be in a six month's time. Then make a plan of how you will work towards achieving these goals.
- Spiritual: Commitment, active devotional, worship and service life
- Emotional: Development, in touch with and express feelings creatively
- Intellectual: Continued learning, reading, training
- Relationships: Close, intimate and nurturing
- Physical: Regular exercise, rest, healthy diet, weight control
- Family: Emotional involvement, connection, supportive, quality time
- Relaxation: Stress and time management, fun, rest, play
- Hobbies: Meaningful and fulfilling for creative expression and fulfillment
- Financial: Living within means, responsible, saving, giving
- Professional: Contented, fulfilled, using your abilities
- Service: Actively involved in serving others
- Purpose: Having a clearly defined life purpose and working towards fulfilling it.
1."And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man" (Bible, Luke 2:52).
Copyright © Richard (Dick) Innes
ACTS International