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Solutions and Helpful Advice
Return to Articles Index
Seeing Beyond Tragedy
Lessons From Suffering
Unconditional Love
Resolving Parent Burnout
Characteristics of Maturity
Developing a Healthy Self-Image
The Gift of Feelings
Conquering Fear
Turning Stress Into Success
Why Stress Is Stressful
Dare to Be Honest
Feelings: Can You Trust Them?
Taming Your Anger
Overcoming Loneliness
A Prayer to Change Your Life
Why Terrorism
Daily Encounter Articles About Solutions and Advice
"Control Freaks" in the Church and Elsewhere
"Hug" One Another
"Loneliness: It's Such a Sad Affair"
A Cry for Help
A Harmless "Dangerous" Dog
A Lawyer's Question
A Lesson from the Ants
A Little Child Shall Lead Them
A Precious Commodity
A Reminder to be Careful
A True Friend
Absolute Power Part I
Absolute Power Part II
Agree with Your Adversary Quickly
Aligning My Life with God's Will
An Antidote for Worry
An Irreversible Spin
An Open Border to Freedom
Angel in the Marble
Angry at God, Part I
Angry at God, Part II
Antidote to Worry
Apathy: The Silent Killer Among Us
Approval Vs. Affirmation
Arm-Twisting for God
Arm-Twisting for God
Arm-Twisting for God
Ask and it will be given to you
Ask and You Shall Receive
Authentic Saints
Avoid the Stink!
Balanced Living
Be a Responsibility Thinker
Be Anxious for Nothing
Be on Guard
Bear One Another's Burdens
Being Authentic
Being Real
Being Real Part I
Being Satisfied
Being Teachable
Being V's Doing
Belief Versus Profession
Believing One's Own Lies
Beware of Free-Loaders
Beware of Freeloaders
Blame Game Projection
Blueprints for Character
Build Up Your Self-Confidence
Building Bridges
Characteristics of Maturity - Part II
Characteristics of Maturity - Part III
Characteristics of Maturity - Part I
Choose Happiness
Coaching the Witness
Confessing the Right Sin
Conquering What?
Control Freaks
Conversations with God
Count It All Joy
Courage Input
Crippling Handouts
Dangerous Pets
Dare to Be Honest
Dare to Be Honest - Part I
Dare to Be Honest - Part II
Dare to Be Honest - Part III
Dare to Be Honest, Part I
Dark Night of the Soul
Day by Day
Did You Spot the Gorilla?
Discipline vs. Punishment
Do It for Them
Do It Today
Do You Want to Be Made Whole?
Don't Be a Part of the Living Dead
Don't Let Your Past Determine Your Future
Don't Waste Your Pain—Invest It
Draining the Pain of Hurt Feelings
Dreams: GOD'S Forgotten Language? Part I
Dreams: God's Forgotten Language? Part II
Earning the Right to Criticize
Earning the Right to Criticize
Encouragement and Support
Encouragement Energizes
Everybody Isn’t Doing It
Everyone Makes Mistakes
False Versus True Humility
Family Communications
Fear Not
Fear, Worry, and Anxiety
Feelings: A Bane or a Blessing?
Fickle or Faithful Friends
Fighting off the Burglar
Finding Courage
Finding Peace
Finding Peace of Mind
Finding What You Look for
Fix Your Thoughts On…
Floating Pumpkins
Flying High
Forgiveness, Part I
Forgiveness, Part II
Forgiveness, Part III
Forgiveness, Part IV
Forgiving a Person Who Is No Longer Alive Part I
Forgiving a Person Who Is No Longer Alive Part II
Get Back Up
Go Fish
God Is Not Co-Dependent
God Provides
God's Word
God: A Bayer's Aspirin?
God’s Direction
God’s Word is Forever
Good News for Jerks
Good News in a Bad News World
Gripes of Wrath
Guilt-Throwers Vs. Guilt-Catchers
Handling Criticism
Handling Nastiness
He Will Hear Me
Hill Climbing
Holiday Blues
Hot Buttons
Hot Potato
How Can I Stop My Son?
How to Diminish Fear
How to Honor Parents When You Feel You Can't?
How to Win in a Lost Argument
How's Your Self-Concept?
How's Your Self-Worth?
How's Your Self-Worth?
I Know It But I Can't Explain It
I Love You More Than…
I Think God Hates Me
I think, Therefore I am
If It Feels Good
Important Words
Imprisoned by “Shoulds”
In Sync with Jesus
Inseparable from Christ
Is Psychology of the Devil?
Is Psychology of the Devil?
Is Your Life Wonder-full or Wonder-empty?
It Is Written
It's All in the Mind
I’m Thankful For…
Joy in the Morning ... After the Mourning
Just Breathe
Just Do It
Just One
Keep Sowing Your Seed
Keep Your "Anger Tank" Empty
Knowing When to Help
Label Me and You Negate Me
Laugh It Up
Laughter Is Good Medicine ... Science Agrees
Learning from Pigeons
Learning to Love
Learning to Manage Stress
Legalism Versus "Good Samaritanism"
LEGO Lessons for Life
Less Stress
Lessons From Eagles
Lessons from Suffering Part I
Lessons from Suffering Part II
Lessons from Suffering Part III
Lessons from the Redwood Forest
Lessons from Trees
Letting Go
Letting Go to Find
Letting Go to Receive
Life Without Love Is Lifeless
Life's Echo
Life's Little Frustrations
Life's Little Frustrations
Life's Little Things
Listen to the Whisper
Listen to Your Heart
Listening First
Living With a Challenge
Living With an Alcoholic
Living, Loving and Learning Part I
Living, Loving and Learning Part II
Loneliness ... The Sad Affair
Loneliness Is a Sad Affair
Long Suffering Vs. Suffering Long
Long Suffering Vs. Suffering Long
Look for the Helpers
Look Where You're Going
Looking Back to Go Forward
Making Wise Decisions
Mean Bosses
Messy Situations
Mid-Life Challenge
Mind Changes
Mind Diseases
More on Projection
My Daughter Is a Lesbian
My Eating Disorder Is Eating Me
Needed: Damages or Repairs?
New Year, Same Me
Nothing Changes If Nothing Changes
Object Constancy, Part I
Object Constancy, Part II
Object Constancy, Part III
On Anger
On Being a Positive Realist
On Being a Positive Realist:
On Guard
On Logs and Splinters
On Personal Responsibility
Only Sinners Can Relate
Opportunity Comes to Pass—Not to Pause
Our Victory Story
Overcoming Addictive Behaviors
Overcoming Depression - Part I
Overcoming Depression - Part II
Overcoming Depression - Part III
Overcoming Exhaustion
Overcoming Fear
Overcoming Loneliness, Part I
Overcoming Loneliness, Part II
Overcoming Loneliness, Part III
Overcoming Long-Term Loneliness
Overcoming Lust
Overcoming Temptation
Parable of the Pigeons
Parrot Talk
Pegs on Which to Hang Anger
Pegs to Hang Anger On
People Pleasers
People Vs Program-Centered
Play Your Position
Problem Solving
Problem-Solving Formula
Protesting too Much
Pursuing Purpose
Quarreling and Strife
Redeeming the Time
Remember to Laugh
Response to Shame and Guilt Trips
Responsibility = Response Ability
Rights Vs. Responsibility
Rulers or Governors
Running on Empty
Same-Sex Marriage: Where Will It lead?
Screaming for Help
Seeds of Faith
Seeds of Opportunity
Seeing Clearly
Seeing with Gratitude
Seeking to be people of peace
Self Deception
Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
Serving Well
Shooting the Wounded
Shooting the Wounded
Slow Me Down, Lord
Songs in the Night
Spiritual Blahs
Square Watermelons
Stand Up and Be Counted
Starting the Year with Thanksgiving
Stay Calm
Staying Connected
Strength from Storms
Strengthen Your Self-Confidence
Stress Management
Sunk in a Sinkhole
Swallowing Camels
Sweet Revenge?
Ten Commandments for Getting Along With People
Test the Spirits
The "Demon" of Lust?
The Affliction to Give Advice
The Beauty and Meaning of Life
The Blame-Game Virus
The Blessing of Parenting
The Choice is Yours
The Choices We Make Make Us
The Consequences of Pride
The Counterfeit Love of Codependency
The Disease of Gossip
The Elusive Search for Happiness
The Favorite Son
The Impact of the Spoken Word
The Law of the Harvest
The Man Who Robbed Himself
The Need for Precaution
The Power of Appreciation
The Power of Encouragement
The Power of Gossip
The Power of Hope
The Power of Our Words
The Prison of Perfectionism
The Secret of Happiness - Part I
The Secret of Happiness - Part II
The Secret of Happiness - Part III
The Seeing Who Are Blind
The Sin of Silence
The Source of My Joy
The Source of Our Words
The Thrill of Temptation
The Truth Shall Set You Free
The Truth That Sets Us Free
The Tyranny of the Urgent
The Way It's Always Done
The Weakness of the "Strong"
The What and Why of Materialism
The Why of Materialism
Theological Rigidity
Things That Bug Us
Think and Grow Peaceful
Thinking Makes It So
This Lady Drove Me Nuts
Three-Legged Stool
Tigers in the Dark
To Be or Not to Be
Tough Relationships
Treating Others as Yourself
True Humility
Trusting God
Trusting God in Uncertain Times
Truth or Lies?
Try and Try Again
Turning Pebbles Into Pearls
Turning Stress into Success, Part I
Turning Stress into Success, Part II
Two No-No Words
Tyranny of the Ought
Unanimous Anonymous
Uncommon Common Sense
Using Our Talents
Valuing Others
Vision and Responsibility
Voting Responsibly
Wants Vs. Wishes
Watch out for Phonies
We Do Have Choices
We Won’t Be Shaken
Weep With Those Who Weep
What Is Real?
What We Project
What We Project
What You See Is …
What You See Is What You Get
What You See Is. . .
When In Is the Way Out
When Life Is a Relational Mess
When Temptation Knocks on the Door
When the Best Advice Is No Advice
When the Heart Is Breaking
When to Speak Up and When to Shut Up
When What Bothers Me Is My Problem
When You Can’t Forgive Yourself
When You Don’t Feel Like Being Loving
When You Feel Insecure
Where Are the Nine?
Where Is God When Life Hurts?
Where's the Scent?
Where's the Scent?
Why Doesn't God Heal Muscular Dystrophy?
Why Pharisees Were Pharisaical
Why Worry?
Will the Real Robert Redford Stand Up
Winning Over Worry - Part I
Winning Over Worry - Part II
Winning Over Worry - Part III
Winning over Worry and Anxiety, Part I
Winning over Worry and Anxiety, Part II
Winning Over Worry and Anxiety, Part III
Wise Advice
You Are a Kxy Person
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